Thursday, April 18, 2024

21st Century Amerika, A Reality Show

“As our cities and towns crumble, literally and financially, we are ready to anoint one of these two predators as the new stooge of empire.”

The Importance of Public Education

“The proper focus of authentic education is not ingestion and disgorgement of information like trained seals clapping their flippers on command but a process of development that leads to critical thinking and life-long learning skills.”

Manifesting the Worst Old Norms

“Leave Trump to his own devices. Let his poor values wither on his patriarchal bully vine.”

An Open Letter to the People of the United States: Election or Revolution?

“Is our destiny in our own hands? Only if we have enough people of courage to accept responsibility for it. Are you one of them?”

Your Rights and Our Election

“Re-elect McConnell and his ilk, vote in Donald Trump, and watch what happens to your rights.”

An Open Letter to the People of Brazil

“In the struggle to make this world the place of peace, justice and environmental sustainability that it could be, the people of Brazil have been playing an inspirational role.”

Ed Norton Occupies the World

“Empires fold up when either they get overrun or their citizens have had enough.”

76% Want Four-Person Debates, Why are Establishment Elites Preventing It

We Are Calling for People to Occupy the Debates.

Don’t Elect Tax and Spend Politicians

“If we want more war, more unemployment, a new recession, and bursting bubbles that drive financial instability, vote for those Republican incumbents, many of whom gave us the radically wrong invasion of Iraq and the daily hemorrhage of Pentagon contracts that produce record deficits and starve domestic budgets.”

Good Cops/ Bad Cops

“It is time for the myriad of good cops out there to speak up and speak out against their fellows in blue who shoot and kill the innocent and unarmed... Period!”