Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Real people will lead the way to #MedicareForAll

Seniors chanting “Get out of the way!” as they hold cardboard tombstones might not seem like a challenge to the largest physicians’...

Can business put people before profits?

Gordon Gekko found religion last week. Gekko, the lead in the 1987 movie “Wall Street” about capitalism gone corruptly amok, is most...

Billionaires are a sign of economic failure

he New York Times published an editorial comment on its front page in January 2019, provocatively entitled “abolish billionaires.” The editorial raised a serious question: what...

Amerika 2019: A Woody Allen film?

In Woody Allen's 1973 film, Sleeper, a character wakes up in the future to learn that civilization was destroyed when "a man by the...

White nationalists’ extreme solution to the coming environmental apocalypse

Ecofascism is a dangerous cloud gathering on the horizon.

How the women of Standing Rock are building sovereign economies

Food security, traditional agriculture, and local self-reliance are key to regenerative societies of the future, say water protectors taking the movement’s lessons forward.

Reporting on global crises like Amazon fires, media need to focus on who’s fighting...

It doesn’t matter so much how many reports corporate media write; if the same people stay at the center of them, the story won’t change.

Right-wing media is creating the ‘antifa shooter’ narrative out of thin air

The right is using the Dayton shooter's Twitter account to make spurious connections between antiracist ideas and mass murder.

Trump administration revives public charge clause that kept Nazi-era refugees from the US

The Trump administration is as likely to succeed in communicating what it wants to lower-level officials as was the Nazi-era State Department.

‘A Green New Deal, but for guns’: Parkland students propose groundbreaking gun policy

"If we require a license to drive a car, we should certainly require a license to own a gun."