Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Toyota is behind in global electric vehicle race

As more governments announce their commitment to end fossil fuel vehicle sales, Toyota "risks being stranded in the electric car race."

Biden nominates first Native American to lead national parks service

“There’s someone on the very top who understands the tribal perspective and is going to bring it to the table in a way that we haven’t seen before.”

First-of-its-kind study measures fracking’s impact on nearby surface water quality

“Our work provides the first large-sample evidence showing that hydraulic fracturing is related to the quality of nearby surface waters for several U.S. shales.”

How Indigenous communities are building energy sovereignty

“If it’s extractive in nature, you are absolutely unwelcome.”

‘Long overdue’: EPA bans all food uses of neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos

“Finally, our fields are made safer for farmworkers and our fruits and vegetables are safer for our children.”

Army Corps orders environmental review of proposed Formosa plastics plant in Louisiana’s ‘cancer alley’

If built, the plastics plant would pump air pollutants into surrounding communities and contribute more to climate change than three coal power plants. Corps announcement deals significant blow to project’s backers.

How politicians and lobby groups tried—and failed—to co-opt legitimate concerns over low traffic neighborhoods

Alongside the broad church of earnest opposition, disparate political interests adopted a series of talking points against the schemes for their own gain.

The climate crisis and Korea

By setting aside their myriad differences, North and South Korea can show the rest of the world that addressing the climate emergency must take precedence over all other disagreements.

Colorado River water shortage declared for first time in history

Another bleak indicator of the magnitude of the drought across the West made worse by climate change.