Monday, May 13, 2024

A sea of pollution: New widespread contamination in oceans amid coronavirus pandemic

“If only one percent of the masks were to be disposed of incorrectly and dispersed in nature, this would result in up to 10 million masks per month polluting the environment.”

Earth may temporarily pass dangerous 1.5℃ warming limit by 2024, major new report says

If emission reductions are large and sustained, we can still meet the Paris goals and avoid the most severe damage to the natural world, the economy and people. But worryingly, we also have time to make it far worse.

Unilever to cut fossil fuels from cleaning brands by 2030

“We cannot let ourselves become distracted from the environmental crises that our world—our home—is facing…”

The big, dirty money behind the California wildfires

It turns out that climate destruction isn’t just a terrible long-term investment, in many cases—as our state burns north, south, east, and west—it’s a terrible short-term investment too.

Libya and Syria: The story of civil war and regime transition

One key manner by which the Libya war has affected Syria has been to move some resistance actors to wage war in the first place.

Coca-Cola leading plastic polluter worldwide for second year in a row

Coca-Cola accounts for 3.3 million tons of plastic packaging annually, which roughly accounts for 200,000 bottles every minute.

EPA chief previews a second Trump term: More deregulation, fewer environmental protections

He also used his platform to say the agency would focus less on preventive measures that stop pollution, but concentrate on the cleanup of toxic areas.

Trump administration proposes oil and gas lease sale in California while wildfires continue to...

“We’ve blocked any new federal leasing in California in court for eight years now, and we’ll fight this too.”

Hoboken, New Jersey sues oil industry for climate impacts from its ‘deceptive actions’

“We want to be compensated for the costs of climate damages both past, present and future.”

‘That’s the way it is’: Trump’s dismissal of Hurricane Laura and climate crisis echoes...

“There's still many things that we can save, but that's going to require action and that action is going to have to happen soon.”