Friday, July 26, 2024

Colorado to kill 45 mountain lions and 75 black bears so hunters have mule...

“The scientific consensus is clear and compelling—predator control is a costly and ineffective management tool to increase mule deer populations.”

Protestors gather to highlight social justice and environmental ‘crime scene’ at Mossmorran Petrochemical Complex

Scottish climate activists gathered this weekend for their first “climate camp” in a decade to campaign against Scotland’s third largest polluter.

Plastic, plastic everywhere – airborne microplastics are settling into the most remote corners of...

Compared with microplastics in the marine and terrestrial environments, the phenomenon of airborne microplastics is even less well understood.

After hunters kill record number of Yellowstone wolves, officials take steps to limit season

Montana wildlife officials have taken steps to limit hunting on the border of Yellowstone National Park after a record number of park...

Starbucks urged to cut ties with Hong Kong chain that still serves shark fin

The shark fin trade poses a danger to vulnerable shark species.

Let’s put more effort into investigating and prosecuting environmental crimes

Uncovering environmental harms and crimes, and holding those responsible accountable, has never received enough priority. We need to correct that problem.

Wildfire smoke is reversing U.S. air pollution gains, study finds

“At the end of the day, the best type of policy is to proactively prevent these big fires in the first place.”

Two main energy and environment committees in the House hold climate change hearings

"Protecting our environment, taking climate change seriously, and putting the public interest first are not optional on this Committee, and that's what Democrats are going to do every day for the next two years."

‘Huge victory’ for grassroots climate campaigners as NY lawmakers reach deal on sweeping climate...

Grassroots climate campaigners in New York applauded on Monday after state lawmakers reached a deal on sweeping climate legislation, paving the way for the...

Current investigation of ExxonMobil could spur broader climate action

The Supreme Court has cleared the way for a state-led investigation into ExxonMobil’s climate change deception.