Friday, July 26, 2024

3 New Years Resolutions That Will End the World’s Dependency on Fossil Fuels

Renewable energy and alternative vehicles get cheaper the more of them we make and use. Oil and coal get more expensive the more of them we burn. So we can be confident that clean energy wins the affordability race.

“Miracle of American Oil”: Continental Resources Courted Corporate Media to Sell Oil Exports

Lifting the oil exports ban is something Oil Change International called tantamount to cooking the climate, an analysis also shared by the Center for Biological Diversity and others.

No Denying It, Climate Change Is Happening Now

The level of denial is simply appalling. It appears increasingly unlikely that humanity will prove capable of confronting and addressing the self-destructive climate-change catastrophe that it has created.

FOIA Request Shows Govt Lied About Lead in Water, Knowingly Poisoning Countless Children

Instead of keeping children safe, Michigan officials repeatedly lied about the safety of their drinking water even though they knew it was poisoned.

End whaling in Japan

Japan is planning to resume their whaling practices, something the International Court of Justice ruled as illegal last year. Sign the petition to urge President Obama to stop them.

Meet the Lobbyists and Big Money Interests Pushing to End the Oil Exports Ban

Utilizing the #KeepTheBan hashtag on Twitter, groups such as the Center for Biological Diversity and Food and Water Watch are pushing for citizens to call the White House and congressional members and tell them not to lift the ban.

Exxon’s Weapons of Mass Confusion on Climate Change

The real power, and our great hope, is in the People's rebellion: marches, civil disobedience, trainings, teach-ins and other actions to pressure leaders to put people and the planet over corporate profiteering.

“A Rogue Company”: Leading Glaciologist on Exxon’s Climate Change Cover-Up

"If they had come straight and recognized themselves as an energy company, they could have made that transition with us to cleaner energy and remained a viable company. Now they’re a rogue company."

Bernie Sanders Seeks to Cut Carbon Emissions by 80%

“What the scientists tell us is that we have a relatively short window of opportunity to bring about the fundamental changes that we need in our global energy system to transform our energy system."

Can Capitalism and Mankind Both Survive?

American mainstream journalism isn’t asking the big question: Can capitalism and mankind co-exist? The reason journalists aren’t asking is that they know the uncomfortable answer is: No they cannot.