Monday, May 20, 2024

DOJ Report Criticizes Philadelphia Police Department’s Use of Deadly Force

The Philadelphia police commissioner hired the Justice Department in 2013 to investigate the rising incidents of officer-involved shootings. What the DOJ found was a history of misconduct and scandals, backing up the public's mistrust of the department.

Shilling for the Biggest Trade Flim-Flam in History

The Progressive Coalition for American Jobs claims that the global deal “will support hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the U.S.” But Americans aren't stupid—we all know the TPP is another NAFTA corporatizing the people’s democratic rights.

This Red State Broke Up Utility Monopolies in Favor of a Publicly-Owned Power Company....

The citizens of Nebraska used their democratic process to create a socialized, public-owned, citizen-governed utility company. If Nebraska did it, then the rest of America should too and end the concentration of private power companies.

Why College Isn’t (and Shouldn’t Have to be) for Everyone

Why do we encourage our young people through a single funnel called a four-year college education? It’s time we stop pressuring every young person to go to college and, instead, offer an alternative route into the middle class.

How Privatization Degrades Our Daily Lives

"Privatization places profits over people." While American people remain the products, our leaders continue to think free-market capitalism works best. But here are a few "fact-based" examples that prove otherwise.

Loyalty to Country Must Always Prevail Over Loyalty to Government

Just because you do not necessarily agree with what the government does and the laws and bills they pass, does not mean you are disloyal to your country. The government is supposed to be there to protect the citizens, but lately the one percenters and corporate giants have government's attention.

Flush the TPP

President Barack Obama and the Republicans are united when it comes to so-called free-trade agreements. While Obama has been negotiating the agreements, which increase corporate power, grass-roots activists are organizing against the TPP.

Four Correctional Officers Sentenced to Prison for Covering Up Inmate Abuse

Eight former corrections officials from Macon State Prison were convicted for their involvement in beating inmates or coordinating cover-ups that followed each assault. When will this brutality end?

The New American Order

Out of the chaos of this prolonged moment and inside the shell of the old system, a new culture, a new kind of politics, a new kind of governance is being born right before our eyes. Call it what you want. But call it something. Stop pretending it’s not happening.

Corrupt Congressman Resigns Amid Scandals

Will the Justice Department file charges against Rep. Aaron Schock of Illinois? The representative resigned from Congress this week to avoid an investigation into allegations of corruption.