Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill to Protect Native American Place of Worship
Instead of allowing the transfer of federal land to a corporation planning to build the largest copper mine in North America, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Tammy Baldwin want to keep it intact because it has significant religious and cultural value.
BREAKING: President Obama Rejects Keystone XL
It is a huge day for environmental activism. The years of tireless hard work and activism against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline have paid off. President Obama has rejected the pipeline once and for all.
Appeals Court Upholds Abusive Sheriff’s Conviction
Instead of identifying himself as a law enforcement officer, Rio Arriba County Sheriff Thomas Rodella assaulted an unarmed victim during a road rage incident. Another example of a county sheriff committing deprivation of civil rights.
Smart Guns Meet Stubborn Opposition
Are smart guns the answer to prevent future mass shootings and other acts of gun violence? First we need legislation to come to the point where curtailing gun-violence is a reality.
How Rabid Extremists Exiled a 14-Year-Old
Ahmed Mohamed, an all-American boy who built a clock not a time bomb, had a bright future ahead of him in America, until anti-Muslim radicals chased him away. What is with America's rabidly insane conspiracy theories?
If Ever America Needed A People’s Political Revolution It’s Now
The U.S. is in desperate need of a revolution in order to restore the nation’s democracy and if Bernie Sanders is elected president this very well might happen. “This government is so thoroughly controlled by special interest campaign funding, so inept and dysfunctional, that it needs to be completely overhauled.”
VIDEO: The Four Big Lies About Immigrants—and the Truth
While Donald Trump “opened the floodgates to lies about immigration,” Robert Reich uncovers these myths and explores the truth behind immigration and the government’s comprehensive immigration reform.
Bernie Sanders Fulfils Promise to Sandra Bland’s Mother
When Bernie Sanders encountered Sandra Bland’s mother, he made a promise to her to make sure Sandra is not forgotten and at the recent Democratic debate he stayed to true to his promise.
LAPD Admits to Underreporting Serious Assaults
While aggravated assaults were actually 23 percent higher than previously reported for 2014, LAPD is doing all it can to improve the accuracy of misreported data within the force. Will accountability put an end to 8 years of deceit?
‘A Pipeline Straight to Jail’
With a failing American educational system, the government’s abandonment of poor families and children living in blighted communities end up in prison. But how do they get from that child to that inmate?