Sunday, June 16, 2024

Banishing DREAMers: The meanness isn’t just Trump

Tens of millions of Americans – many aging and white – are willing to sabotage young people rather than to accept racial diversity.

Not Science Fiction: Biotech Industry Pushing ‘GM 2.0’ Across Europe

Effort to exempt new techniques from existing regulations is nothing more than an attempt to get genetic modification in 'through the back door'

The bipartisan long con: Russian clickbait, Water Protectors and the movement for black lives

In a case like this one, we have to ask an age old question. Who benefits from these poorly sourced stories that damage nascent social movements?

Jane Sanders Finds Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Tent City Jail ‘Disturbing’ and ‘Inhumane’

When asked about the inhumane treatment of prisoners forced to live outside in temperatures that reach above 130 degrees, Arpaio did not deny the accusation. Instead, the sadistic sheriff bragged about removing meat from their meals and utilizing chain gangs.

Who are our Rescuers? Us!

This April, the Democracy Awakening and Democracy Spring are bring together a diverse coalition of labor, business, environmentalists, public interest advocates, media and issue-specific constituencies, along with you, me and thousands of mavericks.

Will Voter Suppression Skew Wisconsin Primary Results?

How many voters will be turned away? How long will the voting lines extend? Which candidate will have her or his voters suppressed the most?

Video: Father attacks child molester in courtroom, but that’s not the most surprising thing

"I would ask you to as part of the sentencing to grant me 5 minutes in a locked room with this demon."

What Standing Rock gave the world

Americans saw the Indigenous struggle—the violence, stolen resources, colluding corporations and governments—that goes hand in hand with protecting the Earth.

Here’s How the Presidential Candidates Responded to the Orlando Shooting

You will never believe how Donald Trump reacted to the Orlando nightclub shooting.