Sunday, June 16, 2024

Congressman resigns due to sexual harassment claim

Meehan is the second lawmaker this month to announce an abrupt resignation over allegations of sexual harassment.

Four years after Eric Garner’s killing in police chokehold, his family still seeks accountability

Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who applied the fatal chokehold, continues to work for the New York Police Department on paid desk duty and has received multiple raises since Garner’s death.

Progressive Briefing for Friday, August 17, 2018

Words from the Unite the Right organizer, Trump's military parade is costing millions, Glyphosate found in popular children's foods, and more.

Wind Generates 100% of Scotland’s Electricity Needs for Entire Day

"Scotland's abundant energy resources play a vital role in delivering security of electricity supply across the UK."

Revolutions R Us!

Our Revolution's goal is not just to run and raise issues, but to win, govern, and transform our society from plutocracy to democracy — a nation of social, racial, and environmental justice.

Justice for Stephon Clark: Protests erupt as DA fails to charge cops who killed...

This marks the 34th consecutive police shooting review in which Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert found that the officers acted legally, according to The Sacramento Bee.

Syrian Refugees May Have Just Stopped a Major Terror Plot in Germany

Despite terrorism claims, refugees are the eyes and ears for their own communities.

‘Worst-of-its-kind:’ Alabama abortion ban could punish providers with 99 years in prison

“It’s time to listen to women, not punish us for trying to make critical decisions about our own families and our own lives.”

For true climate justice, abolish ICE and CBP

Last month, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Senator Kamala Harris released their Climate Equity Act – the first draft of a critical component of...

Right-wing media is creating the ‘antifa shooter’ narrative out of thin air

The right is using the Dayton shooter's Twitter account to make spurious connections between antiracist ideas and mass murder.