Wednesday, April 24, 2024

LAPD Officer Receives Community Service After Beating Handcuffed Man Unconscious

By following the guidelines and donating $500 to a charity, Garcia will avoid serving any jail time.

Neighborhood Watchman ‘Securing his Neighborhood from Hoodlums’ Kills Unarmed Black Man

"There’s some devil in them. They have firearms and we’re going to secure our neighborhood."

Not Just Skin Deep: Europe Reflects On America’s Gun and Race Violence Epidemic

Are we already facing a crisis point of open-ended, pointless violence, or is this simply a preamble to a truly nightmarish century?

The Specter of an American Police State Looms Over America

When this powerful law enforcement entity fully emerges then all the talk about the 2nd Amendment and the right to “Keep and bear arms” will become irrelevant because we will all be living in an American police state.

Family Sues School Officials For Arresting Student With Homemade Clock

Nearly a year after the incident, school officials still refuse to apologize to Ahmed and his family for their blatant ignorance and bigotry.

North Carolina Spent Nearly $5 Million Defending Voter ID, And Lost

“It shows the North Carolina Republicans are afraid of free and fair elections and being accountable to the voters for their actions.”

Unholy Secrets: The Legal Loophole That Allows Clergy To Hide Child Sexual Abuse

Clergy-penitent privilege sometimes called “priest or pastor-penitent privilege,” is complicating child sexual abuse cases involving clergy.

WikiLeaks: Alcohol Industry Bribed Congress To Denounce Cannabis

Newly leaked information reveals that officials in some of the top alcohol companies in America spent money on persuading members of Congress to pay attention to the alleged problem of “marijuana-impaired driving."

Chicago Officials Release Footage Showing Police Misconduct That Led To Unarmed Black Teen’s Death

A police review chief called the footage "shocking and disturbing.”

The Quiet Revolution

In areas where things like fresh water and electricity that most North Americans take for granted are still luxuries a revolution quietly continues, providing some hope for the future.