Saturday, May 18, 2024

Obama Just Protected Planned Parenthood Funding Permanently

State funding for Planned Parenthood may no longer deny any service, including abortions.

The Death of Banks, Brokers and Credit Card Companies

What is unique and potentially revolutionary about a national blockchain currency is that it would eliminate the need for banks in the payments system.

France Bans Plastic Silverware, Plates and Cups

France has become the first country to ban the use of single-use plastic kitchenware by 2020.

“End Modern Slavery!”

Inmates in prison are given opportunities to perform jobs for money in prison, however ,without getting paid anything close to living wages, they are released without the money to find housing and wind up homeless or living in shelters, making them more likely to re-offend.

Yuge Trickle-Down Economics

Trickle-down economics has proven itself a cruel hoax.

Georgia is Using an Error-Riddled Database to Reject Thousands of Voter Registrations

Georgia has seen its fair share of voting issues, but it’s far from the only state that does.

Robert Reich | Why Corporate Tax Deserters Shouldn’t Get the Benefits of Being American...

If corporations want to desert America in order to pay less in taxes, that’s their business. But they should no longer have the benefits that come with being American.

Forget Polls, Transient Gaffes, Health-gate or Gaseous Sputters — Laurels Go to the Best-run,...

About government I doubt Trump knows what he doesn’t know or even what he believes in, if anything. If it becomes clear that Trump doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, how will undecideds begin to imagine his presidency? That double negative leaves Trumpism high and dry. The Trump circus could well achieve what few observers thought possible: make Hillary Clinton appear more trustworthy, if not presidential. Trump craziness, augmented by serial campaign malpractice, has managed to spotlight a suspect, compromised Democrat as more acceptable than she deserves On such matters elections are decided.

Former State Assemblyman Sentenced to Prison

Sentenced to one year and one day of incarceration on Monday, Tom Calderon will serve half of his time in a federal prison and the second half under house arrest due to health concerns.

Al Capone, Meet Wells Fargo

It’s possible that Wall Street’s arrogant executives will keep getting a free pass. But I wouldn’t be too sure of that if I were them.