Friday, May 3, 2024

Blowing the Biggest Political Story of the Last Fifty Years

The shocking story isn't the rise of Donald Trump but how the GOP slowly morphed into a party of hate and obstruction.

Donald Trump Calls Them ‘Thugs.’ Here’s What Trump Protesters Are Really Like.

“Increasing the minimum wage is important for me and my family, and Trump hasn’t discussed it.”

Friend or Foe? How Turkey’s Turn Toward Authoritarianism Threatens Syria and the World

Although NATO countries have worse, more despotic allies in the region, like the tyrannical monarchies of the Gulf, Turkey’s erratic, arrogant leader is arguably the most dangerous.

Igniting, Harnessing the Massive Power of the People

“When the people of America use their power to see that this government operates in this manner then this country will be on the path leading to true greatness.”

Why Peace People Should Care About Money in Politics

While millions of people all over the world are being killed and injured by wars and violence, a small few are making billions from the never-ending war machine.

Did Hillary Clinton Break DNC Debate Rules?

A photo shows that Hillary Clinton met with her aides during a break in this week's democratic debate - a clear violation of DNC debate rules.

Dear Hillary, You’re Losing My Vote

Clinton’s campaign, which exploits institutional bias and deception, is a diversion from our national challenges. Many of us expect more.

Black Protestor at Trump Rally Punched in the Face – Then Arrested

A young black man was assaulted at a Trump rally this week. Instead of arresting the man who punched him, officers tackled him!

Louisiana Will Tax Its Poor To Fill Budget Hole Caused By Tax Cuts For...

Sales tax hikes and a handful of minor tax increases for businesses will close roughly three quarters of the $3 billion budget hole ex-Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) left behind.

The Coddling of the Capitalist, White-Supremacist, Patriarchal American Mind

When does merely offensive speech becomes oppressive? When should one person’s freedom of expression, no matter how offensive, be defended and when does a pattern of abusive expression clearly undermine the ability of others to participate fully in a classroom discussion?