Sunday, May 5, 2024

Making America hate again

Let’s pray the leveler heads in our society prevent the civil war Trump and Bannon want to instigate in America.  

Sniping at his own party ‘losers,’ Trump should jump the shark and embrace Democrats

Will Trump realize Democrats’ ‘better deal’ could deliver better PR?

DNC fraud suit exposes anti-democratic views in Democratic Party

The suit has already clarified and underscored a crucial reality.

Turning churches into super PACs

A bogus campaign for "religious freedom" could create unholy temples of dark money.

Wall Street thieves find new ways to steal from us

The "new way" is the same old story of the rich robbing the rest of us.

Response to Nation article on single payer: Improved medicare for all is the solution

Throughout time, every great social movement has been told that it was asking for too much.

Night thoughts on Trump and America

Our democratic institutions have so far stood the test and remain strong. America will be back.

Real, intact ‘walls’ impede the reactionary Trump/GOP in their tracks

Happy news. What the first six months show us, both about Trump and Senate leadership, is they remain their own worst enemies.

More evidence that inequality is spiraling out of control

Without empathy for lower-income Americans, Wall Street is content to ignore the ugly reality of our ever-widening wealth gap.

Climate change: The catastrophic impact on developing countries

There is an alternative way to ‘reduce vulnerability’ for the poorest people in the world, and that is by the rich nations sharing what they have, and what the Earth provides more equitably amongst everyone.