Friday, May 3, 2024

The Growing Case for Massive Taxes on the Rich

Society's takers, hoarders, and cheaters just ignore the injustice, and go on avoiding taxes while they blame the less fortunate for their own misfortunes.

A Big Idea for Hillary

The best way to ensure everyday Americans get a fair deal is to make our democracy work again.

Let’s Learn From Australia: Semi-Automatic Weapons Bans Work

We need a ban on semi-automatic guns, which are no more than weapons of mass destruction designed to efficiently kill as many people as possible.

Is There Even an Iota of Courage in the GOP Hierarchy?

The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity. And, boy, America's Republican leadership is conforming like a pack of lemmings.

Omar Mateen and Right-Wing Homophobia: Was Florida Massacre a Hate Crime or Domestic Terrorism?

If it was about gay marriage, well, there is a lot of political opposition to that on the Republican Right, and violence against gays has been a feature of the American far right.

Hillary Wants to Bring Back Bill. She Shouldn’t.

Why would Hillary threaten workaday Americans with another poke in the eye from her con man spouse?

Breaking Dogma to Cure Cancer

How a century of research went astray in trying to cure cancer.

Trump is Screwed: If the Rogue Donald Reneges on Fire-breathing, He Risks Losing Zealots....

What if inevitable compromises with hated party elitists cost the Donald 10% of his vaunted populist support? What if 10% of profoundly offended Republicans in FL or OH or PA skip the presidential vote?

With Five Million Votes Still Uncounted and Unreported in the Democratic Primary, Sanders Could...

More than half of all votes cast in the California Democratic primary -- over 4.5 million votes compared to the 3.6 million reported as cast on election evening -- have not been counted, or if counted, the results have not been disclosed.

We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It

All predatory systems of power seek to mask their ultimate aims. As they become more repressive, they become more deceptive. They silence dissidents and bombard the airwaves with lies. Those who effectively resist have to peel back the layers of deceit to understand the intentions of the elites.