Monday, June 17, 2024

#ArsonEmergency? Climate change and Australia’s wildfires

The demonization of environmental activists is nothing new, but the trend toward criminalization is an even more troubling one considering the crisis at hand.

No, Muslims Are Not More Violent Than People of Other Religions. Here Are the...

Terrorism is a tactic of extremists within each religion, and within secular religions of Marxism or nationalism. No religion, including Islam, preaches indiscriminate violence against innocents.

Amidst Burgeoning Wealth, Market Driven Homelessness in London

Whether someone is destitute because they are an asylum seeker waiting for Home Office support, a divorced man who cannot cover his rent, someone with alcohol or drug concerns, or a young woman out of work, without savings, homelessness is not a crime

Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky: How the US became an oligarchy that makes war...

Chris Hedges talks with Noam Chomsky on the state of affairs in America and hope for the future.

Trump’s RICO indictment proves the GOP is beyond saving

The depth of criminality within the Republican Party – both among its elected officials and its operatives – is truly unprecedented.

Mick Mulvaney gives mix of Groundhog Day and flat out lies on MAGAnomics

Mulvaney has given us absolutely zero reason that Trump’s policies will lead to anything other than larger deficits, fewer people with health care, more dangerous workplaces, and a dirtier environment.

Climate terrorism: The politically farsighted way to impeach Trump

In short, there are potent Constitutional grounds to impeach Trump for climate terrorism, and doing so would forcefully deter any Republican “rightist revolutionary” from pursuing similar ecocidal policies.

Princes of peace? Jared Kushner, MBZ and the Abraham Accords

Considering the widespread worry that other countries might want to influence the upcoming American election, it might be worth mentioning how much the UAE has given to Donald Trump over the years, most recently through his son in law.

If not courts, juries and the rule of law, then what?

If America is battered, even demoted as a world power, then what?

How Indigenous land management practices are a blueprint for climate-resilient agriculture

As a rapidly warming world strains at the shortcomings in industrial farming, key lessons can be taken from Indigenous practices.