Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Revolt of Small Business Republicans

While small business owners have contributed to the same Republican candidates and committees favored by big business, they are finally waking up to the fact they’re being screwed by big businesses. Is a revolt in their future?

The Pathology of the Rich White Family

"There is no decadence like the decadence of rich white people." Rich white families have the license and the power to amass unimaginable wealth at our expense and it permits the rich to inflict poverty on growing circles of the population.

The Plundering of a Nation by a Beloved Company

Does the "tax-avoiding, research-appropriating, cost-escalating, wage-minimizing, self-enriching Apple Corporation" really have a very strong moral compass? It's time consumers know the truth about the company's theft from taxpayers and the exploitation of workers and customers.

If ‘Too-Big-to-Fail’’ Means Too-Big-To-Jail’ It Should Mean ‘Too-Big-to-Be’

If the government really believes that banks like JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank and Wells Fargo are “too big to fail” because prosecuting their chief executives could lead to a new financial crisis, then those institutions are simply too big to allow to exist.

Obama: There Will Be No Mideast NATO, but the U.S. Is Committed to the...

In his speech after the summit, Obama asserted that his Arab guests were reassured about his Iran negotiations, and he reaffirmed US commitment to their security. He also chastised Iran for “meddling” in the region.

KPFT Houston, 45 Years After Domestic Terrorist Bombings, Plays On

The Pacifica network wasn't one to shy away from controversy. And now, 45 years after the station bombings, KPFT continues to broadcast in Houston serving "the public as a beacon of alternative perspectives and a hub of local news and culture."

The Pain of Modern Life

Suicide is the third highest cause of death in the world. The pressure of life, causing extreme emotional distress, is the common denominator. Has suicide become a worldwide epidemic?

Ten Ideas to Save the Economy #3: Expand Social Security

U.S. senior citizens who paid into Social Security their whole lives deserve to reap the benefits from it upon retirement. If the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes this would not even be an issue to discuss.

Hawaii Goes Green and Other Big Renewables Stories

The Hawaii legislature just passed a goal to go 100 percent renewable energy throughout the state by 2045. The new solar installations are making even developing countries ambitious enough to go green.

A Mailman on a Mission

"Doug Hughes’ gyrocopter stunt was no flight of fancy." It seems the majority of Americans are behind his bold “very special delivery” through the heart of our nation’s most restricted airspace in an effort to shake up and shape up Congress.