Tuesday, May 21, 2024

30 years later, the Senate should reject Jeff Sessions again

The Senate Judiciary Committee should be consistent and reject Sessions as attorney general, as it rejected him for a judgeship 30 years ago.

Five groups of Americans who’ll get shafted under Trump’s hiring freeze

This freeze is a bad idea, but there will be more where this came from.

Ranking Colleges

Public universities are the major vehicles of upward mobility in America—educating 73 percent of all college students. But do these public universities provide a higher-quality education than the private elites?

Secret Service Director “Forgot” His Agents Were Illegally Investigating Congressman

Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy told investigators he was, in fact, aware his agents had got ahold of confidential information in regards to the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. So he was aware of this information days before it was released to the public.

Yes, Obama’s $400,000 speech is a problem

What’s to be done? Run candidates who have no interest in flattering the ultra-wealthy or becoming wealthy themselves.

Kerry’s endorsement of Biden fits: Two deceptive supporters of the Iraq War

The former vice president has powerful backers in corporate media, wealthy circles and the Democratic Party establishment.

Botched or rigged? Iowa’s caucus disaster

Despite the confidence, the two systems meant to safeguard the caucuses from controversy failed spectacularly.

The MADness of the resurgent US Cold War with Russia

The nuclear dangers of the war in Ukraine, the insanity of reviving a Cold War that threatens the whole world, and the urgency of dismantling the U.S.-Russian Doomsday machine before it kills us all.

What’s the Meaning of Failure?

The dishonesty of words illustrates the dishonesty of America’s wars.

Breaking Dogma to Cure Cancer

How a century of research went astray in trying to cure cancer.