Monday, May 6, 2024

Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel

Chris Hedges believes: The fight for the Palestinians is our fight to win. We must stand with all of the oppressed in the BDS movement and stop the corporate capitalism and the neoliberal ideology that sustains oppression.

The White House vs. working stiffs

A handy new pamphlet counts the president's lies and attacks on the working people he duped into supporting him.

7 truths about immigration

Spread the truth.

America has already fired Trump

They make him irrelevant. Politics happens around him, despite him. He’s not literally gone, but he might as well be.

Why the US manufacturing renaissance is essential for its survival

After decades of decline, the nation now seems “on the brink” of understanding that it’s let far too much manufacturing capacity slip away.

Roof, Dear and Tashfeen Malik: The Double Standard for ‘Self-Radicalized Lone-Wolf Terrorists’

Is a vague organizational affiliation more important in determining whether a killing is terrorism or is the character of the target more important?

Inflated by meager advances, the deluded still cling to the ‘Trump Party of Stable...

Do Trumpers have to sustain their dignity with loyalty not only to a naked emperor but one about to be run out of town on a rail?

Trump can’t make America great again without immigrants

It is white nationalists, with their hatred of foreigners and xenophobia, who are endangering American competitiveness in the new century.

Eulogy for a Friend

Chris Hedges recently delivered this eulogy for his friend and former divinity school classmate, the Rev. Terry Burke, who spent 31 years as the pastor of the First Church Jamaica Plain in Boston.

The Age of the Demagogues

Are we in an age of demagogues? The collapse of our political and cultural institutions has turned charlatans and thugs such as presidential hopeful Donald Trump into viable candidates.