Sunday, June 16, 2024

Shocking drone strike footage ignites global fury: IDF’s lethal assault on unarmed Gazans calls...

Recent footage revealing an Israeli drone's lethal assault on four Palestinians in Khan Younis has stirred global outrage, intensifying scrutiny on Israel's military tactics and international complicity.

Apologists for Israel’s mass murder in Gaza fall back on ‘antisemitism’ claims

The gist of the trick is to equate Israel with the Jewish religion—and then to equate opposition to Israel with antisemitism.

US arms sales to Israel in the spotlight as Gaza conflict escalates, Sanders leads...

This plea follows closely on the heels of Canada's groundbreaking decision to suspend military equipment sales to Israel, a move that has been hailed by human rights organizations and advocates worldwide.

Biden’s sanctions against Israeli settlers ignores state’s role in West Bank violence: Shane Bauer

“According to the language of the sanctions, that would mean that the State of Israel itself and all the various organizations that are supporting him should themselves be sanctioned, but of course they haven’t been.”

Kushner’s Gaza ‘cleansing’ plan: ‘Waterfront property could be very valuable’

Jared Kushner proposed relocating the civilian population of Gaza to either Egypt or Israel's Negev desert as a solution to the ongoing conflict, a suggestion that critics have condemned as a call for ethnic cleansing.

Malnutrition crisis skyrockets in Gaza: One-third of toddlers face acute hunger amidst conflict

In Gaza's shadows, a malnutrition crisis grips its youngest, with one-third of toddlers in acute hunger. Amidst conflict, a generation's future hangs in balance, urging a global call to action.

Destroying the lawn in Gaza

In other words, Israel was bombing Gaza on a regular basis to “maintain order.”

Over 12,300 children perish as war outpaces global conflict toll

"The impact on children is unprecedented and devastating. This war has become a war on their futures."

Canada and Sweden defy global trend: Rush to aid Palestinians as Israel faces torture...

Is this pivotal decision, which marks a significant shift in the geopolitical landscape, spotlighting the urgent humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza?

Are we stumbling into World War III in Ukraine?

The billion dollar weapons package for Ukraine “will put Ukraine at risk, Europe at risk, the free world at risk.”