Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tag: 2016 Presidential Elections

Won’t Leftists Profit from Berniacs’ Desperation?

“We must refuse now to vote for Clinton, before he even gets to ask us. In that gesture of revolutionary desperation lies our only hope of avoiding revolutionary despair.”

South Carolina’s Black Voters Turned Out Early En Masse

In 2013, the Supreme Court passed several restrictive voting laws discouraging minority voters in states like South Carolina.

Here’s How Trump Will Go Down In Flames In the General...

“As the election process evolves Trump’s chances of winning the presidency will be virtually destroyed because of how he has completely alienated the vast majority of women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians and the mass of Americans.”

No Reforming Democrats: Leftist Dogma or Scientific Fact?

“For the sake of our nation’s common good—mostly likely, for the sake of saving human civilization from encroaching climate destruction—I think we must expose the hypothesis that Democrats are beyond reform to testing by purely rational experiment.”

It Took Jeb $150 Million, 250 Days and 3 States to...

Former Governor of Florida Jeb Bush has just dropped out of running for president.

Top Pollster Believes Bernie Will Win Next State Caucus

Looking at 7 different polls, it looks like Nevada's caucus might go to Bernie Sanders.

The Anti-Empire Report #143

“The question thus facing “socialists” like Sanders is this: When all your idealistic visions for a more humane, more just, more equitable, and more rational society run head-first into the stone wall of the profit motive … which of the two gives way?”

It’s Time to Ignite a Political Revolution

It is time U.S. citizens join together and demand a political revolution. It is important to pick the right presidential candidate for the job.

Revolution IS Possible—by Leftists Stiffening Sanderistas’ Spines

“This is NOT a normal election cycle—and anyone who describes it using the shopworn rhetoric of ‘business as usual’ is almost certainly either living in a cave or acting as a corrupt tool of the ‘toxic Establishment.’”

Republican Candidates Call Raising Taxes On Millionaires ‘Class Warfare’

Republican presidential candidates all claimed they would not raise taxes on millionaires if elected.


The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act and the battle against government spying

The FANFSA, passed with a 219-199 vote, garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 96 Democrats and 123 Republicans backing the bill.

Progressive International unveils database exposing global right-wing network threatening democracies

This database, which results from a year of meticulous research, exposes the mechanisms through which these forces erode democratic norms and foster geopolitical instability.

20 percent of common produce carry unhealthy levels of pesticides new report says

Of the 59 common produce items evaluated, popular produce like strawberries, green beans and potatoes posed the highest risks.

US diplomacy thwarts Palestinian UN membership amid claims of supporting statehood leaked cable shows

This diplomatic maneuvering seeks to avoid a U.S. veto, which would publicly align the country against Palestinian self-determination.

GOP attorneys general petition against EPA’s use of civil rights law for environmental justice

The petition, if successful, could have dire consequences for communities living near industrial sites.