Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tag: Democrats

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, September 5

Women's March disrupts Kavanaugh hearing, Senator Jon Kyl replaces McCain, Rahm Emanuel not seeking re-election, and more.

Will the Democrats catch a “blue wave?”

It looks like a significant Democratic victory in November – often referred to by commentators as a “blue wave” – is likely. But will they become more committed to challenging the Trump agenda?

From the grassroots to the ballot box: How gubernatorial candidate Andrew...

On the campaign trail, Gillum called for Medicare for all, abolishing ICE, reforming the criminal justice system, repealing Florida’s “stand your ground” law and increasing corporate taxes.

It’s time for progressives to raise their game

The progressive populist insurgency in the Democratic Party has tasted frequent victories this primary season: for our struggle has only begun.

Progressive Briefing for Wednesday, August 29

Hurricane Maria caused 2,975 deaths in Puerto Rico, California joins nine other states and enacts trio of gun control bills that affect domestic violence offenders and more.

1968 DNC protests, 50 years later: Organizers recall coalition building &...

“Rioting is not going to get it. What you have to do is get organized.”

Why the DNC’s Superdelegate reforms were a major victory for the...

This package of reforms is just a starting point for a wholesale transformation of the party.

Progressive coalition pressures Senate Democrats demanding their opposition to Brett Kavanaugh

"Democratic senators should be united in opposition to Kavanaugh, instead of letting Republican senators ram through the confirmation of a nominee who was selected to protect the president from prosecution."

Sanders backers win major reforms as Democratic Nat’l Committee votes to...

Democrats voted to vastly reduce the power of superdelegates in choosing the party’s presidential nominee.

Victory in superdelegates fight means: Grassroots can win

Leadership must come from the grassroots. That’s how superdelegates met their long-overdue demise.


Vermont Senator Sanders calls for end to U.S. military aid to Israel amid allegations...

Amid escalating violence in Gaza, Senator Bernie Sanders challenges the U.S. to halt military aid to Israel, citing violations of international and American laws.

The good, the bad, and the yucky – how far can the circus lurch...

Vs. MAGA whiners, Olympic winners should be the iconic role models – testifying to the glories of hard work, good faith and respect for majority rules.

Iceland opens biggest operational CO2 plant in the world

The plant, named Mammoth, is the second commercial facility opened by the company to aid in the reduction of fossil fuel emissions to combat the effects of climate change.

Europe braces for the next Ukraine

If both the European Union and the United States—increasingly dominated by far-right politicians—allow Bosnia to fall apart, that will send a strong signal to Russia about the likely fate of Ukraine.