Tag: Medicare
The Republican Medicare plan is an atrocity
It only takes three Republican senators to stop it.
The Old Debt and Entitlement Charade
You won’t hear this story in the debate questions. Debate sponsors only push their own agendas.
We Need a Mass Movement Demanding Real Social Security and Medicare...
Bernie Sanders is calling for enhanced Social Security benefits and expanding Medicare to cover all Americans. Now we need a independent mass people's movement to fight for the same thing.
Where American Socialism and Capitalism Blend Together Perfectly
Socialism is a word a lot of citizens fear, but Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, military and other social programs administered by the U.S. government are all socialistic aid the U.S. uses.
Can Jeb Bush Even Spell Integrity?
This presidential wannabe campaigns as an ethics reformer and preaches against the corrupt influence on government. Yet, as former Florida governor, Jeb Bush cashed in big time from government-corporate corruption. Can you say hypocrite?
Happy Birthday Medicare
Next week, Medicare turns 50—originally signed into law on July 30, 1965. While Medicare is so popular, it continues to be blamed for America’s present and future budget problems when actually it's the greatest solution.
Doctor Sentenced to 45 Years for Providing Medically Unnecessary Chemo to...
After allotting unnecessary chemotherapy to patients, some who did not even have cancer, an oncologist was sentenced to prison. Dr. Fata was able to collect millions from fraudulent claims because of these actions.
#11. Why Medicare Isn’t the Problem: It’s the Solution
Conservatives continue to claim that Medicare is running out of money and must be pared back. Medicare actually isn't the problem. The actual problem lies with healthcare coverage expected to rise steeply.
Time to Demand Medicare for All and Social Security Benefits We...
With Republicans in control in Congress, Social Security and Medicare have already taken unfair cuts. We need a mass movement to come together and demand “Medicare for all” and “Real Social Security people can live on,” especially before 2016 elections.