Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tag: Opinion

How corporations try to divide and exploit America’s workers

“These companies are not going to give you everything out of the goodness of their hearts. They start sweating when they see you standing together.”

Why U.S. labor laws need a major update—the PRO Act is...

The PRO Act will help to level the playing field and arrest the decades-long erosion of labor rights that significantly accelerated under the previous, anti-worker presidential administration.

A groundbreaking court case argues U.S. climate denial policy violates Americans’...

Our broken environmental policy treats nature as a human resource. Here’s how it can be fixed.

You don’t want to imagine an ocean without coral reefs—but you...

Scientists call the coral reefs the “rainforests of the sea,” because coral reefs—like rainforests—are highly diverse ecosystems; their destruction would lead to the extinction of a large number of species.

Why the USDA is being sued—again

The USDA is facing lawsuits for shirking its responsibility to protect birds from animal welfare violations.

Tyson exploits consumers just like its animals and the workers who...

Vulnerable workers, abused animals and a rigged system are the foundation of an unethical, destructive business model.

How Americans can help the frontline workers battling Covid-19

The pandemic highlighted the essential work that nursing home staff members perform—and the necessity of treating them as essential workers from now on.

How Mitch McConnell flouts the will of the American people

Right now, one person—Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell—stands in the way of America’s fight against COVID-19.

Teachers are on a tightrope with no safety net

The hybrid model teachers are being thrust into during the pandemic isn’t sustainable without more resources and support.

How Donald Trump is putting American workers at risk

The federal government long ago created various agencies to protect workers’ rights and safety, but Trump turned them into appendages of corporate America.


Bernie Sanders speaks out: Criticizing Israeli policy is not antisemitism

Amid national debate over Gaza protests, Senator Bernie Sanders challenges the narrative equating criticism of Israel with antisemitism, drawing on his personal history and widespread American discontent.

US intervenes as ICC mulls war crime warrants for Netanyahu

As the ICC prepares to potentially issue arrest warrants for high-ranking Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for war crimes, a closer look at the concerted efforts by the U.S. and Israel to prevent these legal actions.

American campuses erupt in protests over Gaza, drawing harsh police response and national outrage

As students across the U.S. demand university divestment and an end to military aid for Israel, aggressive crackdowns raise alarms about civil liberties.

Turning the tide: How global conservation efforts are curbing biodiversity loss

A decade-long scientific study reveals significant success in conservation actions worldwide, offering hope amidst the biodiversity crisis.

Eight drivers that springboard Trump’s nose-dive into humiliated loser

What makes even a lousy career criminal look bad? To be proved a blundering, hypocritical boob.