Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tag: war

Bernie: Cut Pentagon by 10% to invest in education, health care,...

“And when we talk about real change it is incredible to me the degree to which Congress continues to ignore our bloated $740 billion defense budget—which has gone up by over $100 billion since Trump has been in office.”

The war zone is America

Yet, as the United States comes ever more to resemble a war zone in a pandemic moment, in a country run by a president with autocratic inclinations, amid a surge of protest over racism, the home front could indeed become a war front.

A different war: For my father on Father’s Day

The shabbier and more senseless the war...the more hollow its objectives and justifications...the more one-sided our advantage...the more distorted the news from the front...the more random the casualties on all sides.

New bill introduced to hold US military accountable to civilian casualties

“Maximizing transparency will prevent further loss of life.”

The new Cold War with China

No one can say at what point you or any of us will begin to feel the direct effects of this new Cold War, only that, as tensions and hostile acts heighten, the consequences will prove harsh indeed.

Who are the secret puppet-masters behind Trump’s war on Iran?

A shadowy group stoking U.S. hostility with Iran and the evidence that it is funded by Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

The coming of a social-distancing version of war

The future of forever war, American-style...

Space Force’s blabbermouth-in-chief

The odds are our commander-in-chief has just given a case of the jitters to the entire defensive—and offensive—apparatus of the nuclear world.

Over there is now over here

The world, in other words, has turned upside down.

COVID-19 and the parallel nuclear war and climate change threats

We can create a new and better world—but we must fully commit ourselves to it and work for it, “pressing, making changes.”


Trump’s alleged $1 billion campaign deal with Big Oil: $110 billion windfall revealed

An investigation into Donald Trump’s alleged quid pro quo offer to oil executives uncovers potential tax savings of $110 billion, raising serious ethical, legal, and environmental concerns.

16 Democrats join GOP to pass controversial Israel Security Assistance Support Act

In a surprising bipartisan move, 16 Democrats break ranks to support a GOP-led bill compelling U.S. military aid to Israel, despite President Biden’s veto threat and significant human rights concerns.

Biden administration moves to reclassify marijuana: A major shift in US drug policy

President Biden’s Department of Justice takes historic steps to reclassify marijuana, aiming to end a ‘failed approach’ and recognize its medical benefits, sparking mixed reactions from lawmakers and advocates.

Trump’s alleged $1 billion oil deal exposed: Media blackout raises alarms

A stunning quid pro quo promise to Big Oil executives by former President Donald Trump receives scant coverage, raising questions about media integrity and democratic accountability.

Oil companies use paid news media partnerships to protect ‘social license to operate,’ documents...

Content created by the in-house advertising studios of major media is coming under growing scrutiny.