The unbearable opportunism of right-wing fear-mongering

What evil to bash good elections—while pushing scams and insurrections.

Image Credit: ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images

Gather round for all to hear
Of multitudes stricken by fear;
More surging right-wing cynicism
Incites say Dems a cataclysm. 

Cry havoc on “outsider” crime,
Treating “the other” as sh-thole slime;
Destroy elections as if broken,
With “stop the steal” the vilest slogan.

If thugs invent prime-time terror
With tangential inflation furor,
They befoul their marks with bluster—
A bad faith campaign filibuster. 

Yet with real-world, looming threats—
Like demonizing a fake-news press,
Or catastrophic climate change—
Mere rigged hoaxes from Dems deranged.

To defy such life-affirming truths
Incinerates earth-saving proofs;
Deniers of truth deny human life,
Displaced by mean-spirited strife.

Will enough fools so terrified
Learn they’re the gulls left out to dry? 
Perpetual bad news parades
Blur Republican masquerades.

The answer to this putrid brew
Is foster Democratic blue;
That’s not because all Dems are great,
But what just Yank wants a fascist state?

Thus reams of online in-fighting
Advance those doing the dividing—
Discord nixes those naturally allied— 
Our mission fails when disunified.

Oppression wins if predication works
Pushed by “useful idiot” jerks;
The web pumps out fractious hatred,
Betraying values long held sacred.

To stir fear with hostility
Fits evangelical piety. 
Overzealous, true believers
Like Trump make the best deceivers.

The core quest—to obliterate truth,
All to control the voting booth;
What evil to bash good elections—
While pushing scams and insurrections.


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For over a decade, Robert S. Becker's independent, rebel-rousing essays on politics and culture analyze overall trends, history, implications, messaging and frameworks. He has been published widely, aside from Nation of Change and RSN, with extensive credits from OpEdNews (as senior editor), Alternet, Salon, Truthdig, Smirking Chimp, Dandelion Salad, Beyond Chron, and the SF Chronicle. Educated at Rutgers College, N.J. (B.A. English) and U.C. Berkeley (Ph.D. English), Becker left university teaching (Northwestern, then U. Chicago) for business, founding SOTA Industries, a top American high end audio company he ran from '80 to '92. From '92-02, he was an anti-gravel mining activist while doing marketing, business and writing consulting. Since then, he seeks out insight, even wit in the shadows, without ideology or righteousness across the current mayhem of American politics.