Friday, May 17, 2024

Amerika: The Mad Magazine of 2016

“So, this new issue of Amerika: Mad Magazine of 2016 will be difficult to purchase in your mainstream outlets. Sorry folks. You need to really study history and 'truth to power' to enjoy it... once you can find it out there!”

In God (and Trump) we trust… With monster bombs!!

I just don't think he blessed that Monster Bomb or all the other WMDs that your tax money is paying for... instead of better roads, infrastructure, health care...

4 things to know about the omicron variant

The omicron variant offers yet another reason for caution in the age of COVID-19. Now that you’re in the know, keep yourself safer with a few thoughtful tips.

‘A day of infamy’ part 2

Will my fellow citizens who love this country as I do finally wake up and demand we pull back this empire. before it destroys all the world?

‘Focus’ on the Neo Nazi revival

Many will state, and perhaps rightly so, that we have come a long way since the 40s, 50s and 60s. Yet, the hate is still there, engrained in the minds of white Christian Americans... or should I say Amerikans.

Ruling with rats

Ah, the rat system. It is how the po-po and the prosecutors get damning information on defendants, those threatened with prosecution, and all their criminal associates. Flipping rats.

Getting Rid of Bad Examples

“Each of us should give serious consideration to the promotion of new heroes. And, the resulting lists can be easily customized to one’s own ideals and goals. With such an effort we help define ourselves and help make our time better than a very flawed past.”

Amerika 2019: A Woody Allen film?

In Woody Allen's 1973 film, Sleeper, a character wakes up in the future to learn that civilization was destroyed when "a man by the...

Time to rein in the super rich

The voice of the people needs to be heard. Not through violence but consistent demand en mass.

NO MORE Sympathy for the Devil(s)

“The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars but in ourselves.”