Sunday, May 19, 2024

Chomsky: Nuclear weapons, climate change & the undermining of democracy threaten future of planet

Noam Chomsky looks at how the threat of nuclear war remains one of the most pressing issues facing mankind.

Our vanishing world: Wildlife

The human assault on life on Earth will reach its inevitable conclusion: the extinction of Homo sapiens.

Amazon’s defeat in NYC galvanizes movement to end billion-dollar corporate welfare

The lawmakers who took down Amazon say their victory is just the beginning of a major fight against tax subsidies for huge companies.

Starbucks urged to cut ties with Hong Kong chain that still serves shark fin

The shark fin trade poses a danger to vulnerable shark species.

3 things schools should teach about America’s history of white supremacy

Schools have ample opportunities to include much more about White supremacy, racial discrimination, and racial violence into school curricula.

Is intellectual property turning into a knowledge monopoly?

Never before has society had the ability it does today to bring together different communities and resources in order to produce new knowledge.

Banking that serves people, not bankers

The Post Office could offer simple, honest banking, including checking and savings accounts, consumer loans, and low-fee debit cards.

Parents like their public schools, no matter how much the charter school movement tells...

Branding public schools as “failed” institutions is more about politics than education.

Violence Against Women Act at risk of lapsing

“Republicans’ decision to include only a short-term VAWA re-authorization in the must-pass minibus spending bill is nothing short of an abdication of our responsibilities to women in our country."

21st Century Amerika, A Reality Show

“As our cities and towns crumble, literally and financially, we are ready to anoint one of these two predators as the new stooge of empire.”