Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bernie Sanders Fires Back Against Hillary Clinton’s False Accusations

Sanders’ campaign is responding to Clinton's accusations that they lied about her receiving money from the fossil fuel industry.

Save the Renewable Fuel Standard

Help us tell the EPA to keep the Renewable Fuel Standard and keep the United States moving away from dependence on foreign oil.

Peru Declares State of Emergency as Mercury Contamination From Illegal Gold Mining Poisons People...

Despite Peruvian President Ollanta Humala calling a state of emergency on Monday, Survival International says that the government has known about the contamination since 2014 and has done little to address the problem.

Our best shot at meeting Paris goals? Make energy public

A new report finds public ownership is the best way for cities and towns to meet renewable energy and efficiency targets.

Two bills introduced to save the monarch butterfly

“These bills will provide a lifeline for monarch butterflies whose populations have declined dramatically due to pesticide use, climate change, and habitat loss.”

To grow our economic pie, cut more equal slices!

Back in the 1980s, eagle-eyed economists began reporting out a pair of phenomena you actually didn’t need eagle eyes to see: America’s...

Progressive Briefing for Monday, October 15

DNA confirms Elizabeth Warren's ancestry, Trump says 'we won' in regards to Christine Blasey Ford, Bernie Sanders rips White House for dismissal of climate science, and more.

This Mexican Company Is Converting Plastic Into Affordable (And Eco-Friendly) Housing

EcoDomum is turning an environmental problem into a housing solution.

The tiger population in Nepal’s Parsa National Park is recovering rapidly

“Tigers are conservation-dependent species and they respond to the conservation efforts immediately.”

Stephen Hawking: We must find another planet to live on

“Six years ago I was warning about pollution and overcrowding, they have gotten worse since then,” Hawking said.