Saturday, May 18, 2024

Do-it-yourselfers unite!

People have been fixing stuff ever since stuff was invented. Now big corporations want to change that.

Republican’s treacherous health care plan: betrayal of the American people

What kind of human beings would do this to their fellow human beings?

Clearing the Trump Trainwreck!

When reality goes from bad to worse/ What’s sane for me is satiric verse.

If hell had a budget: The GOP breaks the ten commandments

This budget seemed strikingly in sync with the hellish weather gripping Washington.

Building a mass movement to stop mass killing

It’s time to universalize resistance.

When Barbara Lee doesn’t speak for me

Lee now seems to have cast aside her beliefs expressed in her historic 2001 speech.

Trump and the Christian fascists

Let us openly defy the liberal establishment, which will not save us, to demand and fight for economic reparations for the poor and the working class.

How the food and drug companies ensure that we get sick and they make...

We wallow in ignorance, as corporations thrive on the tobacco industry's old slogan, "Doubt Is Our Product."

Saving Illinois: Getting more bang for the state’s bucks

Illinois is teetering on bankruptcy and other states are not far behind, largely due to unfunded pension liabilities; but there are solutions.

Don’t trust business with education

Greasy politicians use education funds to enrich corporations – and themselves.