Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The truth about Trumponomics

Economic nationalism is no substitute for building the competitiveness of American workers.

Why Russia won’t leave Syria

Were the Tomahawk strikes impulsive?

Major breakthrough on Capitol Hill: Government may make drugs cheaper

Democrats are embracing a way in which the market can be used to better people’s health and reduce inequality.

Syrian roulette

As Trump’s presidency unravels will he grow more desperate?

First step down a dangerous path

Have Republicans – or hawkish Democrats – learned anything from the military and diplomatic history of the past two decades?

Koch caucus continues its assault on healthcare

Three interconnected stories – of the Koch brothers, the Freedom Caucus, and the Affordable Care Act – paint the larger picture of money’s corrupting role in American politics.

The rich line up at the White House ATM

The wealthiest administration in American history is primed to make even more money for its already well-to-do staff.

The pandora’s box of war

None of the insurgents in the region will willingly lay down their weapons until the U.S. occupation of the Middle East ends.

Bannon, Kushner, and Trump’s upside-down populism

Americans are rightfully incensed that the system is rigged against them. But they’re angry at the riggers – not at the system.

50 years later, a speech by King has lessons for a president

Difficult work remains for those in whom Martin Luther King Jr. had the most hope: the people, organizing grass-roots power for peace.