Friday, May 3, 2024

How California Is Being Stolen from Sanders Right Now

Dig this: Some counties are demanding that some of the first-time voters show official voter ID.

The Judge Who Sentenced The Stanford Rapist To 6 Months In Jail Can Be...

Judge Persky’s sentence “is basically saying that anyone is allowed a get-out-of-jail-free card if they had a high SAT score or good grades in high school.”

A More Relevant and Radical Democratic Platform? Sanders Brings Veteran Activists to the Table

From Cornel West to Bill McKibben, Sanders picks some heavy-hitting social movement leaders for the Democratic National Committee.

Hurricane Costs Expected to Skyrocket Due to Climate Change

“Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity and it is already causing devastating harm. Extreme weather disasters like hurricanes will devastate communities and cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars.”

Chile Producing So Much Solar Energy It’s Giving Electricity Away for Free

With so much clean power available, the price of solar has cost absolutely nothing for certain regions in recent months.

Ex-Cop Arrested After Killing Church Drummer and Making False Statements

On Wednesday, prosecutors charged Raja with manslaughter and first-degree attempted murder.

Former Detectives Plead Guilty to Corruption Charges

Mara recently confessed that he “tarnished the badge” and apologized to the city of Bakersfield for his deplorable actions under the color of authority.

NRA Tells Parents To Keep Guns In Kids’ Rooms For Safety

265 people were accidentally shot and killed by kids last year.

Preparing for the Next Memorial Day

In the aftermath of the Memorial Day military parades and with a new administration looming on the horizon, a critical task for the coming year is to build a renewed, more vibrant, interracial, and multi-generational peace movement that will pressure the next administration.

Fight for $15 Organizers Demand a Union

The Fight for $15 is one of the most important labor struggles of our time, breathing new life into the labor movement with every victory.