Tag: Georgia
Fixed in stone: Here’s the WallopaLoser for the ages
As low as Trump has driven the country, the Georgia senate triumphs represent a remarkable, improbable bounce off the bottom.
Defeating McConnell: The real stakes of the Georgia runoffs
Mitch McConnell cares about only one thing: Power.
“This is voter suppression”: 198,000 Georgia residents were illegally purged from...
“I think it’s quite interesting and coincidental … that many of them on that list are African American voters.”
Federal judge blocks voter purge of 4,000 Georgia voters
National Democratic Party attorney Marc Elias called this move a “blow to GOP voter suppression.”
The wedge of all wedges, the exiled Trump looms as Republican...
If Dems take both GA senate seats, that confirms that Trumpism and Trump in purple states are done for.
How Georgia voters are transforming America’s future
They want to help the new administration put America on the path to health and shared prosperity.
Georgia runoffs: How you can help flip the Senate
The stakes couldn’t be higher. Let’s bring this home, flip the Senate, and usher in the transformative change this nation requires.
Massive lines in Georgia on first day of in-person voting exemplify...
“We’re becoming desensitized to unacceptable burdens on the franchise,” one political scientist said. “People died for this right. [It] shouldn’t take hours to participate in our democracy.”
Is Stacey Abrams progressive?
While she likes to describe herself as a progressive and as a pragmatist, Stacey Abrams is now on a national path that looks far more “pragmatic” than progressive.
Atlanta prosecutors say they won’t prosecute women under Georgia’s newest abortion...
“As a matter of law (as opposed to politics) this office will not be prosecuting any women under the new law as long as I’m district attorney.”