Thursday, April 18, 2024

Tag: U.S. Military

Israel’s military is part of the US war machine

As the carnage in Gaza continues, Washington is rushing to provide extra military assistance worth $14 billion.

The enduring limits of American power

The decline of U.S. power isn’t a problem; it is a call to global action.

What would real ‘national defense’ look like?

The three maxims for a newly progressive Pentagon.

Backers of endless war deplore that many Trump supporters favor using...

Are some of Trump’s true believers are eager to adapt the violent precepts of perpetual war to American politics?

‘The greatest fighting force in human history’

A most exceptional military makes its wars and their ugliness disappear.

How America can better care for its veterans

Veterans deserve a system of care that serves them as reliably as they did the nation.

Report shows how military industrial complex sets media narrative on Ukraine

A recent report from the Quincy Institute (6/1/23) demonstrates just how much influence war profiteers have on the national discourse.

The patriotism of killing and being killed

Why are patriotism and war so intertwined in U.S. media and politics?

The wars we don’t (care to) see

It couldn’t be more important to make America’s disastrous wars of this century more visible.

The army we don’t see

The private world that our post-9/11 conflicts have bred.


New report reveals millionaires’ tax rates slashed by half since 1950s, fueling wealth inequality

This stark reduction in tax rates for the wealthiest Americans coincides with an era of escalating income disparity and could be costing the federal government hundreds of billions in lost revenue annually.

Missouri Republican Attorney General Bailey sues Media Matters using consumer law to censor the...

An analysis of Mo. Attorney General Andrew Bailey's bogus allegations against Media Matters.

Democrats challenge Biden administration: Are US weapons used by Israel in accordance with international...

This inquiry, led by Texas Representatives Veronica Escobar and Joaquin Castro, targets the very heart of America's foreign arms policies and its ethical implications.

US diplomacy thwarts Palestinian UN membership amid claims of supporting statehood leaked cable shows

This diplomatic maneuvering seeks to avoid a U.S. veto, which would publicly align the country against Palestinian self-determination.

New study reveals microplastics’ alarming journey from everyday items to human organs

The extensive reach of these particles beyond the gut and into critical body tissues, raises significant concerns particularly for the most vulnerable: Our children.